Australia’s Gavin Drumm and Robbie Pitts feature in Themgoods’ new VOD Main Dish

Main Dish Themgoods

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Gavin Drumm and Robbie Pitts feature in John Julio and Soichiro Kanashima’s new VOD for Themgoods.

Main Dish features the Themgoods team’s journey across the world.

If you’ve been watching any of the Side Dish previews in recent months, you’ll know this was an awesome adventure for the two blading legends, taking in China, Korea, Japan, Brazil and the USA.

The official trailer for the Main Dish is above (featuring cameos from both Robbie and Gav). The VOD is available as digital download or limited edition USB drive at[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_blank” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″ link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

CJ Wellsmore takes out third at NL Contest 2015 behind Joe Atkinson and Nicolas Servy

NL contest crop

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”450″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”25″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Aussie powerhouse CJ Wellsmore has taken out third place at NL Contest 2015 in Strasbourg, France.

Stiff competition from close friend and recent FISE winner Joe Atkinson and boy wonder Nicolas Servy meant that CJ didn’t make it three years in a row in the top spot, but he put in a mighty showing none-the-less.

Congrats to CJ and all the winners!

1. Joe Atkinson
2. Nicolas Servy
3. CJ Wellsmore

1. Manon Derien
2. Lisa Mary Authie
3. Jacky Schroden

1. Julien Lemoine
2. Dano Gorman
3. Kavlis Bowman

Photos & videos: NL Contest[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][vc_video link=””][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Tom Scofield + Matt Caratelli in “What’s Scowin on? Not much, just Carryingatelly”

Tom Scofield

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Matt Caratelli and Tom Scofield have just dropped a chilled edit from Elsternwick Skate Park in Melbourne.

Humourously titled “What’s Scowin on? Not much, just Carryingatelly”, the edit was shot on one lazy Sunday at one of Melbourne’s best parks.

Edit by Matt Caratelli
Song: Happy Idiot – TV On The Radio

For more from Matt Caratelli, check his Vimeo page.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Josh Nielsen, Richie Eisler, Eito Yasutoko and more in Thisissoul edit for Roskilde Festival

roskilde festival

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=””][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Denmark’s Roskilde is the biggest festival in Northern Europe, hosting 160,000 people and 180 bands/artists (!!!) over four days.

Rollerblading is always an integral part of the extreme sport section of the event, with always a huge turn-out from some of the world’s best skaters.

Last year, Sydney’s Josh Nielsen managed to make his way to the event. While it’s a little late, an edit from Thisissoul has just popped up featuring Mr Nielsen shredding the park alongside names like Montre Livingston, Dave Lang, Dominik Wagner, Scott Quinn, Eito Yasutoko, Jeremy Suarez, Maxime Genoud, Richie Eisler and more.

Roskilde returns for another big year from June 27-July 4. Check out full details at[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”450″ crop=”true” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”25″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The Firm presents a killer short section featuring Jamie Sims: Edit by Rob Kellett

Jamie Sims Lorikeet St

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Rob Kellett has just dropped a new edit for The Firm featuring Brisbane shredder Jamie Sims.

Jamie Sims x Lorikeet St was filmed in under an hour and showcases why Jamie is one of Brisbane’s most stylish and technical skaters.

Here’s what Rob had to say:

“Jamie and I filmed this little gem in a halfa at the local ledge spot between the rain showers on saturday. Testing out that 4:3 HD ish, pretty happy with the results!”

For more from Rob Kellett, check out his Vimeo channel or The Firm on Facebook.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Create Originals adds Australia’s own Gavin Drumm to their international team

Gavin Drumm Create Originals

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]US frame company Create Originals have added Aussie powerhouse Gavin Drumm to their international team.

Announcing the news with a killer new edit filmed and edited by Dom West, the crew from Create Originals are clearly very happy with their latest rider.

Here’s what they had to say:

“Gavin Drumm is a rare talent … he’s been at the forefront of blading for many years.

“Gav has always been known for the savage smoothness in which he executes his tricks.

“He possesses an ever expanding trick vocabulary and his skating is excitingly unpredictable.

“It’s hard to guess what’s coming next, which makes him one of the most compelling bladers to watch.

“We’re proud to finally introduce him to the team ranks. Cheers Gavin and welcome aboard.”

Big congratulations to Gavin Drumm on his latest achievement – it’s truly well deserved!

For more Gavin Drumm videos, check out his profile. For more from Create Originals, check out their official website. For more videos from Dom West, check out his Vimeo channel.[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Austin Paz presents Lost Dingos 2015 tour in Dubai, Melbourne and Sydney for The Booted

The Booted Lost Dingos

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=””][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Legendary New York skater Austin Paz has just dropped a new video at The Booted featuring all the action from the Lost Dingos 2015 Tour through the UAE and Australia.

From the epic sands of Dubai to crazy adventures in Melbourne and Sydney, the video features a huge cast of talent including Austin Paz, Thomas Martin, Justin Brasco, Alex Karayannis, Ivan Narez, Matthias Ogger, Gav Drumm, Tommy Scofield, Josh Butler, Dom West, CJ Wellsmore, Rian Arnold and Tien Nquyen.

Video filmed and edited by Austin Paz with additional footage from Dom West. For the full story of the tour, check out[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”450″ crop=”true” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”25″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

All the Queensland Titles 2015 results, photos and videos in one place

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”450″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”25″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”20″]Held over the Easter weekend at Fairfield Skatepark, the 2015 Queensland Titles was one of the biggest and best days of rollerblading in Brisbane in a long time.

Despite the threat of rain and thunderstorms hanging over all day, the event was a massive success, with a huge cast of rollers from both Queensland and around the country in attendance.

Big ups to Nat Rawlings from 4Sqair Australia and all the crew who made the day happen!

Photos: Hayden Golder & Dtrain Photography

Videos: Brad Watson & Velvet Couch Clothing[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]FULL RESULTS

Open Street
1. Martin Gade
2. Rob Kellett
3. Sam Bradley
4. Paulie Haack

1. Hayden Golder
2. Brad Watson
3. Ben Granero

Spine Jam
1. Hayden Golder
2. Brad Watson
3. Levi Hicks

1. Nick Thorne

VC Best trick
Tom Scofield[/vc_column_text][mk_image_slideshow images=”8814,8815,8816,8817,8818,8819,8820,8824,8825,8826,8827,8828,8829,8830,8831,8832,8833,8834,8835,8836,8844,8845,8846,8847,8848,8849,8850,8851,8852,8853,8854,8855,8856,8857,8858,8859,8860,8861,8866,8867,8868,8869,8870,8871,8872,8874,8875,8878,8879,8880,8881,8882,8883,8884,8885,8886,8887,8888,8889,8890,8891,8892,8893,8894,8895,8899,8900,8901″ image_width=”1200″ image_height=”801″ effect=”fade” animation_speed=”700″ slideshow_speed=”7000″ pause_on_hover=”false” smooth_height=”true” direction_nav=”true”][vc_video link=””][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”450″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”25″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

New CJ Wellsmore park edit at Maroubra Skate Park in Sydney by Dom West

CJ Wellsmore Seba

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Australian powerhouse CJ Wellsmore has dropped a new park edit at home in Sydney in support of his pro model skate by Seba.

Filmed at edited by the one-and-only Dom West at Maroubra Skate Park, it’s a perfect example of why CJ is considered the No.1 park skater (and arguably the best all-rounder) in the world. Hell, he even makes falling look stylish!

We all know park isn’t CJ’s only game. Stay tuned for CJ on the streets in the long-awaited Chapter II of Vine Street by Dom West dropping very soon. With five years since the original classic dropped, it can’t come a moment too soon.

For more from CJ Wellsmore, check out his profile or Facebook page. For more from Seba, see or the Seba Facebook page.[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_width=”900″ image_height=”900″ crop=”true” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”25″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Paulie Haack’s new Velvet Couch Clothing mini profile is anything but small

Paulie Haack

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Brisbane shredder Paulie Haack has just dropped a brand new “mini” edit for his clothing sponsors Velvet Couch Clothing, Razors Australia and 4Sqair.

Showcasing his trademark huge gaps, big spins and technical grinds (and one massive disaster shifty that really needs to be seen to be believed), the edit is nothing short of one of best you’ll see from an Aussie skater this year.

Paulie is on fire on 2015 and is about to embark on a 6-month journey through China to perform an action sports show and compete in the The FISE World Series China in Chengdu.

Stay tuned for a full-length edit dropping very soon. If this is what he calls a “mini” edit, we can’t wait to see what he has in store next!

For a chance to win some new shirts from the 2015 VC Clothing range, simply sign up to the mailing list in the form below.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”450″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”25″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]

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